Brad Benson

Brad’s primary focus is working with a combination of NeuroMuscular Reprogramming (NMR) and Myofascial Release.

Brad’s understanding and passion for therapeutic bodywork comes from experiencing his own profound healing potential while recovering from a back injury and post-surgery complications.

Since 2001 he has studied and practiced a wide range of techniques and has dedicated himself full-time to working with clients through physical therapy clinics, chiropractic offices as well as here at the Healus Institute. His primary focus is working with a combination of NeuroMuscular Reprogramming (NMR) and Myofascial Release.

“I have found that gentle Myofascial work enables me to profoundly unwind contracted tissues, dissolve muscle adhesions and restore bodies to ease and balance beyond what I could achieve through traditional “massage”. This blends well with NMR, which re-balances the relationships between muscles and the mind – engaging the unconscious mind to relax overworking muscles and energize under-working ones. With this technique I am able to release negative compensation patterns that bodies have held onto for several years; restoring people to an ease, strength and a fluidity of movement they had almost given up on experiencing again.”

I feel blessed to continue to study and assist in teaching classes through the Healus Institute/Alive & Well! to continuously deepen my practice of NMR.” – Brad Benson