Public Education at Healus

Our goal for clients and the world is that we all come to understand our bodies and how to work with them to facilitate restoring full function when they are damaged. We should all know how to consciously control our emotional, metabolic and physical health using ordinary tools like the breath, bodywork, nutrition, cranio-sacral rebalancing and brain function facilitation. This education belongs to everyone.


  • The Power of the Breath: Change your emotional state and health through your breath.
  • Why People Don’t Heal: You’ve heard “Stress Causes Illness”. Learn why it is so costly.
  • A Question of Balance: Learn all the factors contributing to balance and get yourself tuned up for graceful aging.
  • Brain Function Facilitation: Everyone needs to know Brain Buttons! Tools to maintain focus, comprehension and reduce stress.
  • Tools for Managing Stress:  “There is only one disease – Stress” Regaining Resilience is the Key to staying healthy.
  • Dynamic Walking: Turn your walking into a conditioning experience.
  • Dynamic Aging: The latest science to support you staying younger longer.


Our sister organization, Alive & Well! Institute of Conscious BodyWork, trains professionals worldwide in the fields of bodywork, physical therapy, chiropractic, personal training (yoga, Pilates, remedial exercise therapy), and optimum performance for athletes.   Basic and Advanced Certifications in NeuroMuscular Reprogramming NMR are approved by NCBTMB for CEUs. Further advanced certification as an NMR Specialist for additional specialized coursework completed.

For more information on NMR Basic and Advanced Trainings click HERE.


Jocelyn Olivier is available for public lectures on Body Basics every body needs to know: Brain Function Facilitation, Why People Don’t Heal, The New Epidemic: Hyperflexion Syndrome, The Power of the Breath, Tools for Managing Stress. All lectures are full of practical self help tools you can learn and take home for the rest of your life and share with others.

Healus also sponsors allied health care professionals who specialize in topics related to health and well being. Three of our favorites:

Dr Audrey Mickel, ND, Dynamic Aging
Dr Suki Munsell PhD, Dynamic Walking
Steve Fowkes PhD, Organic Biochemist


The Healus Body Wisdom Blog is an educational tool for clients and practitioners alike. It contains videos and discourse on things every body should know. It lists symptoms and conditions that are common afflictions of the human condition and gives the NMR and Healus view of them and what can be done about them.  Click HERE.

What Clients are saying:

Very few people can take the pieces and put them all together. Jocelyn is one of those few people. She can see the big picture and identify causes that are layers deep.

Eric Kullmann

I am truly thankful for the Healus Center, especially Jocelyn & Jules. Jocelyn is a miracle worker. My family and I were rear ended on the freeway and my son was having horrible headaches, nausea and projectile vomiting. The Chiropractor and Pediatrician tried all sorts of tests and medication to help. It was almost to the point that my son was going to be hospitalized because he was losing so much weight. Jocelyn fit me in for an emergency session.

I don’t know how she did it, but my son immediately felt better after the session. The vomiting stopped completely and his headaches went away the next day. If my 8 year old son had not received help from Jocelyn I would have had to subject him to being in the hospital because no pediatrician nor chiropractor could diagnose why he had those symptoms. NMR works!!!!


I found Healus through a random search for massage. What I found was a place that has an in depth knowledge of just what I needed. I have had chronic neck pain for the past many years caused by overextending my neck in a yoga class.

I have been to the Orthopedic MD, PT and had many massages over the years. Nothing helped.

Then I found Roe Tyler at the Healus Center. She had a complete understanding of how the muscles fit together and perform. From the first session with Roe she was able to get right to the core of the problem and gegan to work on repairing those muscles. So happy to finally have a solution at hand and be on the way to feeling good again!


As well as being a student of Jocelyn Olivier’s work, I am also a client. Jocelyn is one of the best body workers on the planet and her staff are very good as well. From subtle energetics, to deep tissue, to spinal unwinding, to belief systems, to neuromuscular reprogramming, Jocelyn holds a storehouse of tools and intuition to help a person heal. After partial motor nerve loss in my right hand, Jocelyn has been tremendous in helping me to heal. I highly recommend Healus and Jocelyn Olivier to students and anyone seeking healing.

Vir McCoy

As both a client and a referring pain management professional, I have observed remarkable progress and musculoskeletal pain relief through NMR. It can provide a real sense of progress and new hope to chronic pain patients.

Sande Kiriluk, MFT

I feel so good after my session with you. The back ache is gone. My right leg has been shorter than my left and last night I felt totally balanced! Yay!

Alison Stuart

I was frequently having uncomfortable bouts of vertigo. I went to see Jocelyn for help and was totally amazed that the vertigo is almost gone after one session. Even more impressive to me: she worked on the same areas that, Moshe Feldenkrais worked on in sessions I had with him almost 40 years ago when I was having a ringing sensation in the same ear that has now been causing vertigo. And Jocelyn did so much more.

Vincent Drucker

These folks are amazing! They have helped me go from being totally and permanently disabled with multiple sclerosis, having to go back to bed every afternoon (and often never getting out of bed again that day) to returning to part-time work (at a Women’s Gym, no less) and doing what I love most!

I have found NMR and working with Jocelyn to be an incredible journey of self-renewal and expansion. Jocelyn Olivier is a genius when it comes to knowing and understanding the human body and how it functions. Her work with me using NMR has reawakened my body and my mind-body connection helping me to once again work successfully on reprogramming the patterns of my scoliosis.

Scoliosis patients need to be aware that even with surgery, or perhaps especially with surgery, one needs to continue to do physical conditioning and body-work such as NMR. I have found NMR to be the most profound work in assisting me in living well with scoliosis.

Debra B.

At the age of 22 I already had a debilitating injury to my back from shoveling snow. I couldn’t snowboard, run, or even exercise. I was in pain most of the time. It was very depressing. Jocelyn Olivier and her associates at the Healus center overhauled my body and put it back together so that it works. The results and how fast it worked are amazing! I’m pain free most of the time now. NeuroMuscular Reprogramming along with some chiropractic adjustments and my own conditioning program have given me back my life again.

Marshall H.