Conditions the Medical Profession Cannot Help

I thought to share this email exchange with a student from the east coast as it contains tips on handling abnormal conditions that clients can’t find solutions for in the medical world…. Hi Jocelyn- I had a quick and sort of random question. I have a client who has hyperacusis in her left ear which […]

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Speeding Up Your Body’s Healing

Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic functions of the nervous system: Our nervous system has 2 interweaving sides: excitatory and vegetative. The excitatory side takes care of emergencies and the vegetative rest and regeneration. When we are stuck in a chronic tension pattern from a past accident or incident or a prolonged period of unremitting stress our ability to heal […]

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Brain Buttons for Improved Muscle Function and Mental Clarity

Brain Buttons are a tool that we use every day here at the Healus Neuro Rehab Center. Using Brain Buttons regularly will improve your ability to pay attention, increase your coordination, reduce your risk of physical injury, and mediate the impact of stress in your life. It is the single most effective tool we can […]

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Brain Function Facilitation for Muscular Health

Have you ever had a muscle spasm that came out of nowhere? Do you have any chronic pain patterns that show up worse when you are under a lot of stress? Most of us understand that stress causes dis-ease, but not many people understand how or why. Muscular coordination depends on easy communication between the […]

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Sleeping Well Through Midlife – Is it possible?

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to our attitude and energy level. Yet sleep in our older years tends to become elusive as our stress hormones are no longer mediated by the abundance of estrogen we had in younger years. When hormone levels fall, muscles harden, exacerbating migraines and tension. Here are some […]

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