NeuroMuscular Reprogramming and muscle testing

How does a NeuroMuscular Reprogramming practitioner go about discovering what’s not working in someone’s body? They use muscle testing! So when a client has a specific problem, the NMR practitioner goes to the area where the symptoms are and discovers whether or not all the coordination in that area is working properly. Sometimes the area […]

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Neck Pain Can Cause Headaches, Shoulder Pain, Middle and Low Back Pain

The Biomechanics of the Neck The neck is the most vulnerable structure in our bodies. It is composed of only small moving parts supported by a myriad of very small muscles fastening one vertebra to another and the segments of the column to the head and ribcage. The head itself weighs a good 14 pounds in […]

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Test Yourself for Hidden Hyperventilation

Hidden Hyperventilation is a state of metabolic imbalance that produces a felt sense of worry or anxiety. Test yourself by following these simple steps: Sit quietly and observe your breathing. How fast is it? Is it shallow or deep? Now see if you can slow it down to a count of 3 on the in-breath […]

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Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise

Breathing with the diaphragm is crucial to healing from structural injuries, whether they are generated from injury or shock. Find out how to do simple diaphragm exercises to facilitate healing and structural integration. Did you know that improving diaphragm function can reduce healing time and even improve skin tone? Click Here to read more about […]

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